Artificial Intelligence
The Future of Warfare: National Positions on the Governance of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems
Lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), such as drones and autonomous missile systems, are no longer a theoretical concern. Indeed, they are finding their way onto the battlefield. Amid growing international concern, States have articulated a range of positions on...
When Technology Meets Humanity: Harnessing New and Emerging Technologies at the End of Conflict
New and emerging technologies offer significant contributions toward facilitating the end of conflict and protecting and easing the effects of conflict on the civilian population. Over the past decade and more, security and legal scholars have devoted enormous...
Year Ahead – The Coming Year’s Evolution in the Law of Cyber Operations
Editors’ note: We are pleased to announce that Articles of War has recently added several thematic editors to our staff. Each editor has contributed a post to this year’s Year Ahead series with thoughts on issues or situations they recommend our readers track over the...
Year in Review – 2024
2024 was defined by a landscape of intensifying conflicts, continuous technological advancements (see here and here), and evolving debates over the application of the law of armed conflict (LOAC). The persistent war in Ukraine, the volatile Israel-Hezbollah and...
From Conflict to Closure: The Role of AI in Identifying and Honouring the Deceased
Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work, “Advancing Honour and Dignity in Death for Victims of Armed Conflicts: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of AI and Machine Learning in Humanitarian Forensic Action Under IHL” appearing...
Anti-AI Countermeasures in Warfare: Terra Incognita for IHL?
In a small town under occupation by Alpha, an utterly baffling bloodbath occurred. Dozens of civilians coming home from the Friday market were gunned down by Alpha’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered sentry guns which, until that day, had never once mistaken the...
Lawfully Using Autonomous Weapon Technologies
Editor's note: This post is derived from the author’s recently published book Lawfully Using Autonomous Weapon Technologies, published with Springer Press. We, members of the human race in 2024, already live in a world saturated with artificial intelligence (AI). Like...
Targeting in the Black Box: The Need to Reprioritize AI Explainability
States around the world are racing to leverage the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) to their own military advantage. In the coming decades, AI-based systems are expected to revolutionize logistics, significantly alter targeting processes, and power...
Rules of Engagement as a Regulatory Framework for Military Artificial Intelligence
Proper regulatory frameworks are required for the development, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) for military purposes. Any such frameworks must comply with international law. In addition, because existing international law does not provide specific...
Israel – Hamas 2024 Symposium – The Gospel, Lavender, and the Law of Armed Conflict
In November 2023, +972 Magazine and Local Call published a joint report on Israel Defense Force (IDF) targeting operations, labeling them a “mass assassination factory.” It correctly stated that the IDF was using “Gospel,” a system characterized as relying upon...