David Letts
| Apr 18, 2022 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Neutrality, Ukraine-Russia Symposium
Ukraine Symposium – Maritime Neutrality in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Most of the reporting and commentary regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has so far focused on the land domain of warfare. However, there are significant maritime legal aspects...
Michael N. Schmitt
| Mar 18, 2022 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict, Law of Neutrality, Rules of Engagement, Ukraine-Russia Symposium
A No-Fly Zone over Ukraine and International Law In an impassioned address to the U.S. Congress on March 16, Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, asked the United States for additional military assistance, including the establishment of a no-fly zone. This is a...
Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg
| Mar 1, 2022 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Neutrality, Ukraine-Russia Symposium
Neutrality in the War against Ukraine This contribution briefly addresses the question of whether and to what extent States that are not parties to the war against Ukraine are bound by the law of neutrality. In particular, are these States obliged to refrain from any...