The Definition of an “Attack” under the Law of Armed Conflict

The Definition of an “Attack” under the Law of Armed Conflict

The Definition of an “Attack” under the Law of Armed Conflict As in any branch of international law, examining the meaning of a law of armed conflict (LOAC) term, and its incorporation in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, should look first to the...
A Radical Reimagining of the Concept of “Attack”

A Radical Reimagining of the Concept of “Attack”

A Radical Reimagining of the Concept of “Attack”   The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) filed its Appeals Brief In the Case of the Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda on 7 October 2019, almost precisely a year prior to the time of this writing. The Prosecution...
Symposium Intro: The ICC Considers the Definition of “Attack”

Symposium Intro: The ICC Considers the Definition of “Attack”

Symposium Intro: The ICC Considers the Definition of “Attack” The Ntaganda case—currently pending before the International Criminal Court (ICC) Appeals Chamber—raises an issue of importance to both the law of war (international humanitarian law) community and those...
Biometrics on the Battlefield

Biometrics on the Battlefield

Biometrics on the Battlefield   We use biometrics on a daily basis. You need only think of unlocking your phone with your fingerprint, using iris recognition to pass through airport security, or the biometrics integrated into your passport. Considering the...
The Efficacy of the U.S. Army’s Law of War Training Program

The Efficacy of the U.S. Army’s Law of War Training Program

The Efficacy of the U.S. Army’s Law of War Training Program On July 2, 2020, the Department of Defense reissued DoD Directive 2311.01, the DoD Law of War Program.* Under the previous Directive, issued in 2006, Secretaries of the Military Departments were required to...
The Importance of Clarity and Flexibility in the Law

The Importance of Clarity and Flexibility in the Law

The Importance of Clarity and Flexibility in the Law   Adherence to the law of armed conflict remains a bedrock value of professional militaries. The legal obligation of any professional military to wage war in a just and lawful manner remains unquestioned. Yet...