Articles of War Editorial Board Changes

Executive Editor
We are pleased to congratulate Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Alcala on his appointment as Executive Editor at the West Point Press. The newly established publishing arm of the United States Military Academy, West Point Press has rapidly produced an impressive collection of scholarly books, digital textbooks, journals, and other content. The Press will no doubt benefit greatly from Ron’s brilliant, experienced, and careful editorial hand and leadership. We wish him and the Press every success.
Meanwhile, we are grateful that LTC Alcala will continue to serve in an editorial capacity with Articles of War as our Executive Editor. As a founding member of our editorial board, Ron has been responsible for an immeasurable share of the early and continued success of Articles of War. His expert legal and editorial eye has influenced nearly every post, while his steady and incomparably collegial demeanor have made the experience enjoyable for everyone involved. We look forward to and will be grateful for his future contributions as an editor, advisor, and author.
Managing Editor
We are also delighted to announce that Assistant Professor Jennifer Maddocks will be the Managing Editor of Articles of War. Jenny has already proved herself instrumental to our recent success. She is a world-class editorial talent and a gifted author. In just one year, she has proved to be an indispensable, clear-thinking, and treasured team member, shouldering an enormous share of our editorial and managerial work. Her promotion to Managing Editor is richly deserved and will no doubt serve Articles of War, the Lieber Institute, the Academy, and our valued readers well.
Please join us in congratulating both of our colleagues on these exciting professional developments.
Sean Watts is a Professor in the Department of Law at the United States Military Academy, Co-Director of the Lieber Institute for Law and Land Warfare at West Point, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Articles of War.
Colonel Josh Berry is the Deputy Head of the Department of Law, United States Military Academy at West Point and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Articles of War.
Photo credit: U.S. Military Academy