Symposium Intro: Hays Parks’s Influence on the Law of War

Symposium Intro: Hays Parks’s Influence on the Law of War

Symposium Intro: Hays Parks’s Influence on the Law of War Most developments and codifications of the law of war have been responses to the evolving character of warfare. Indeed, a timeline of law of war treaties reads like a chronicle of changes in the tactics,...
LAWS Debate at the United Nations: Moving Beyond Deadlock

LAWS Debate at the United Nations: Moving Beyond Deadlock

LAWS Debate at the United Nations: Moving Beyond Deadlock ​The United Nations is once again hosting a Group of Governmental Experts tasked to report on emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS). Further debate on this subject at the...
The U.S. Landmine Policy Complies with International Law

The U.S. Landmine Policy Complies with International Law

The U.S. Landmine Policy Complies with International Law   In late January, the United States replaced the Obama Administration’s 2016 landmine policy, which was first introduced in 2014. That policy had proscribed the use of antipersonnel landmines beyond the...