Human Rights
A Queer Eye on the Law of Armed Conflict
Author’s note: This post reflects a presentation given at the twenty-second congress of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) held in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, between May 10 and 14, 2022 within a panel dedicated to gender awareness...
How Human Rights Law Bodies Handle Situations of Armed Conflict and Human Rights Law
This is the second of two posts dealing with aspects of the relationship between the law of armed conflict (LOAC) and Human Rights Law (HRsL). HRsL bodies have long dealt with cases arising out of situations of armed conflict, even though the applicability of LOAC was...
The Relationship Between the Law of Armed Conflict and International Human Rights Law
This is the first of two posts on two specific aspects of the relationship between the law of armed conflict (LOAC) and international human rights law (HRsL). This post deals with the applicability of HRsL, first, in situations of armed conflict and, second, outside...
Displacement from Conflict: Old Realities, New Protections?
Globally, conflicts are the main source of both internal and cross-border displacement. The conflict prompted by Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine, which is a considerable escalation from the original incursion in 2014, has already caused the largest external...
Law Applicable to Persons Fleeing Armed Conflicts
As early as February 23rd, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in New York, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, estimated that 5 million people may flee if hostilities erupted in Ukraine. As of March 13th, less than three weeks after the Russian Federation launched an...
The Russia-Ukraine War and the European Convention on Human Rights
As with the 2008 Russia-Georgia conflict, the war between Russia and Ukraine—likely to last much longer and be far more brutal than the Georgian conflict—is fought by two States Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Both are subject to the...
Privacy vs. Precaution in Future Armed Conflict
The operational demands of modern armed conflict highlight a pressing need for information, including highly private data about persons. This post examines the balance between personal privacy and armed forces’ need to identify persons with a high degree of integrity...