Steve Szymanski,
Chris Koschnitzky
| Jan 24, 2022 | AoW Posts, Blog, Conflict Classification, Detention, Law of Armed Conflict, LOAC History
Afghanistan 2021: Reflections from the Stockton Center for International Law’s Workshop Despite over twenty years of legal analysis, many issues regarding the Afghanistan conflict remain unsettled. At a recent Stockton Center for International Law law of armed...
Shane Reeves,
Robert Lawless
| Jan 27, 2021 | Accountability, AoW Posts, Conflict Classification, Interpretation & Development
Reexamining the Law of War for Great Power Competition The United States has shifted its national defense posture to focus on “the reemergence of long-term, strategic competition” with “revisionist powers”—namely China and Russia. The government is heavily...
Rob McLaughlin
| Sep 17, 2020 | AoW Posts, Conflict Classification, History of LOAC, Topics
Whither Recognition of Belligerency? Delineating, defining, and dealing with how the law of armed conflict applies to civil wars and other non-international armed conflicts (NIACs) has presented constant legal challenges over the last two decades. Numerous...